Articles on: Integrations

Pricing Uplift for Integrated Menus Print

If we need to uplift the whole menu by x% the following steps should be followed:

Make a backup of the menu.mdb

Open menu.mdb in visdata.exe

On the window on the right hand site where the field for the queries is the following queries should be typed

the first query is - update n_prices set nprice = nprice1.**x** - the x after the dot should be replaced by the percentage by which you need to uplift the menu

after you type the query you need to press enter or execute and when a window with a question with a question pops up you need to press No

the second query you need to type is - update t_menu set n_product price = `n_product price`1.x , n_takeawayprice = n_takeawayprice*1.x , n_eatinprice = n_eatinprice*1.x -  the x after the dot should be replaced by the percentage by which you need to uplift the menu 


after you type the query you need to press enter or execute and when a window with a question with a question pops up you need to press No

You are done. Now all you need to do is upload the menu on FTP from Androdb.


If you need to uplift the whole menu by 20% your queries would look like this

- update n_prices set nprice = nprice*1.20

- update t_menu set n_product price = `n_product price`*1.20 , n_takeawayprice = n_takeawayprice*1.20 , n_eatinprice = n_eatinprice*1.20

If you need to uplift the whole menu by 5% your queries would look like this

- update n_prices set nprice = nprice*1.05

- update t_menu set n_product price = `n_product price`*1.05 , n_takeawayprice = n_takeawayprice*1.05 , n_eatinprice = n_eatinprice*1.05****

Updated on: 16/01/2024

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